Since his family’s encounter with a Bigfoot on July 1, 2000, Dr. Matthew A. Johnson (“Dr. J.”) has been meticulous about securing collaborating witness testimonials from the many people who have joined him over the years in his various research areas. These witnesses have shared about what they have seen, heard, and experienced while researching the Bigfoot phenomenon along with “Dr. J.” Please click on the buttons below to either submit your own Xanue Testimonial or to read about other peoples’ Xanue Testimonials.

Testimony from Rick & Macy  

Bigfoot #1

I was on patrol and working graveyard (early morning hours 0001-0400ish). I responded with a couple other deputies to a sparsely populated area of Prospect, OR. I don’t remember the specific service call, but I remember a male suspect had left the scene and was possibly armed. I had night vision and thermal imaging with me. While the deputies were working the case, I was on the perimeter looking for the suspect. I saw a hot spot on the thermal imaging camera and it looked like a human figure hiding behind a tree. The area was about 100 yards East from the suspects house, on the Rogue River side. Also, since I am familiar with that area, I knew there was a massive drop off to the river from there. I didn’t want to light up the area with my flashlight until I got into a better position of cover. Once I did that, I got ready to light the person up. At this time, I heard on the radio from the deputies, they had the suspect in custody. What?, now I was confused. Who the hell is this person hiding in the woods! I then watched the person walk away from me. The figure moved from south to north in a straight line and barely moved up and down as a normal person would do while walking. The person was also silent. I didn’t hear any noise from the ground. I watched until the figure disappeared further into the woods.

I lit up the area with my flashlight and couldn’t find anyone. I went back and forth between thermal, night vision and flashlight to try and find this person again, but I never did. I then walked to the area where I first saw the person. There

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Rick & Macy   
Testimony from Rick & Macy  
Rick & Macy   

Bigfoot #1

I was on patrol and working graveyard (early morning hours 0001-0400ish). I responded with a couple other deputies to a sparsely populated area of Prospect, OR. I don’t remember the specific service call, but I remember a male suspect had left the scene and was possibly armed. I had night vision and thermal imaging with me. While the deputies were working the case, I was on the perimeter looking for the suspect. I saw a hot spot on the thermal imaging camera and it looked like a human figure hiding behind a tree. The area was about 100 yards East from the suspects house, on the Rogue River side. Also, since I am familiar with that area, I knew there was a massive drop off to the river from there. I didn’t want to light up the area with my flashlight until I got into a better position of cover. Once I did that, I got ready to light the person up. At this time, I heard on the radio from the deputies, they had the suspect in custody. What?, now I was confused. Who the hell is this person hiding in the woods! I then watched the person walk away from me. The figure moved from south to north in a straight line and barely moved up and down as a normal person would do while walking. The person was also silent. I didn’t hear any noise from the ground. I watched until the figure disappeared further into the woods.

I lit up the area with my flashlight and couldn’t find anyone. I went back and forth between thermal, night vision and flashlight to try and find this person again, but I never did. I then walked to the area where I first saw the person. There were branches and sticks laying all around. Lots of dead fall on the ground preventing a normal walk. I had a hard time getting in there and I was making tons of loud noises doing it. The funny thing was that the person I saw moving about on thermal imaging didn’t make a sound and walked normal (uninhibited by obstacles). I didn’t think anything more of it nor did I tell anyone because I couldn’t explain it. Nothing really made sense to me until years later.

Bigfoot #2

I never really believed in Bigfoot, Sasquatch or the Forest People(as some people call them), but I am open to the possibilities of anything we haven’t discovered yet or life on other worlds. I knew that Marcy and her ex-husband were into bigfoot previously and have been on some outings with Dr. M. Johnson. One day, Dr. Johnson showed up at Marcy’s work and they got reacquainted, also making some plans for an outing. She came home after that day excited and telling me he was coming over for dinner that week. Being the skeptic I am, I decided to use my investigative skills to find out if he was a fraud or not. Also, I was not interested in going on an outing. Marcy was adamant about going and even informed me, if I didn’t go, she was going to go by herself with Dr. M. Johnson. Hmmm, I don’t think so.

When Dr. Johnson showed up for dinner, I thought he might be a Sasquatch. He is a towering man and full figured. We completed our pleasantries, sat down for dinner and he began telling his stories. Some of them were interesting, some I laughed inside about and others were “WTF?” He also mentioned he wrote a book about his experiences. Marcy had already purchased and read the book before the dinner, so she was pretty much informed already of what he may be talking about.

After letting him talk for a long time, I decided to investigate by asking questions he already answered. They were consistent. I then started slowly dropping the hammer, punching holes into his stories, and he answered them with plausible outcomes. I then started hitting his emotional response with more questions and he responded accurately. Meaning, he was emotional, had quick returns and wrapped everything up in a nice bow.

So, I was 100% convinced, he knew what he saw was real, he believed exactly what he said and had an answer to everything. So I believe what he is saying is true to him. Of course my wife just believed everything he said without question, but it could’ve been from trust of their previous friendship. Again, half of his stories were completely unbelievable and ridiculous. I chuckled to myself and wondered if he was for real.

After our meeting, we took a walk outside around our 10acre property. It should be noted that although we have neighbors surrounding us, they are spread out a good distance and there is nothing behind us for at least 4 miles. Lots of wooded area. During this time, Marcy told Dr. M. Johnson about our weird encounters that we have had over the last few years we have been here.

He told us that we have a bigfoot family living in our area and the weird circumstances are because of them. I immediately became suspicious of this whole thing. He proceeded to tell us that we have our own Bigfoot family here(how does he know this? More later). That got Marcy excited and gave her a mission to do her own investigation on our property. The weird things that have happened on our property are well….just weird. There is an energy here that I cannot explain and I have felt it since I started developing this property. You feel like your being watched but it’s not an evil feeling. You know when you feel like your being watched so you look around for something, but you know it’s coming from a certain direction? That happens here and I look in only 2 directions every time. We’ve had rocks moved, and a yard statue placed on our front porch. I was actually pissed about that one. I thought someone had come by and left it there to mess with us. I’ve heard strange noises and knocks against our house. One time a wine bottle exploded in our dining room. It scared the hell out of me, but we chalked it up to a ghost. Ghost you say? Well there is history here about that too.

As you could imagine, I got sucked into spending a few days in the woods with Marcy and her Bigfoot contact, Dr. M. Johnson in August of 2017. So, I decided to read his book. It was just going to be the three of us and if I didn’t go, Marcy would be up there with just him. I didn’t like that too much, so I was forced to go. I packed all my normal camping stuff. Obviously, I was armed, had 2 GPS’ and communication. What I didn’t like is we were supposed to sleep on cots with no tent.

You see, Dr. M Johnson has specific rules to follow in order for him to allow us to go with him as well as to get a better response from the creatures. He has a scientifically proven system that works to call the creatures to him, so he doesn’t have to hunt for them.

We had to be exposed to the outside world in case the creatures wanted to touch us. The only thing that bothered me about that was the thought of mosquitos, bear and cougar. I don’t want to be touched by any of those and I doubted that Bigfoot would be real.

Now, Dr. M. Johnson had two good locations for encounters and the one we were going to was outside of Cave Junction, OR.

The next thing I knew, we were soon headed to the mountains outside of Cave Junction. Dr. M. Johnson had several rules you had to swear too and follow before he would take you to his secret spot. He didn’t want pictures or phones taking or recording GPS locations. He had been “burned” by others before. He would take them to his spots and they would ruin them by disclosing the locations and bringing unwanted people around.

We meet him late in the day in Cave Junction and he escorts us to his location. The spot he took us too looked like a real good camping location. It was flat, surrounded by vegetation and a ton of trees. There was a look out point and the road we were on was a dead end. It is very unlikely if anybody would be up there.

The first thing I did before unpacking my gear, was take a look around. I went 50 to 100 yards out in a circle pattern around camp and worked my way in. I wanted to see exactly what was out there during the daylight. I refused to have some high school punk, being paid 5 bucks, to jump out of the bushes with a Bigfoot costume on. I was not going to be fooled. I also wanted to see if there were any signs of other wildlife and game trails. I found 2 large game trails, but nothing out of the ordinary. Feeling pretty confident I wasn’t going to be fooled, I started to setup camp with Marcy. Oh and by the way, I also brought my own food and drinks so I would not be drugged into a hallucinogenic state. I was positive I had all angles covered.

Now the first night was crazier than I expected and more. Dr, Johnson played music and talked to nobody in the woods. No light was allowed. We didn’t use flashlights or have a fire. Your eyes get used to the dark and surprisingly enough, you can see a lot of things. I actually saw dark shapes within the dark. Dr. M Johnsons dog, “Zeus” turned out to be my best friend. I’m not sure what kind of dog it was but it looked like a Chihuahua and Terrier mix. He knew what was happening before it happened and where it was happening. That dog was about 10 pounds of ferocity and I’d stand behind it any day.

So it was crazy the first night. Our camp was clear flat grassy ground to about a 20 yard radius. It was oblong or rectangle shaped to the road. There was a finger that shot off to the north into the trees. That area was called the “12 o’clock position.” When we encountered something we would call out the direction. I walked into the 12 o’clock position and told whoever out there that if they were real to show themselves. I also said if they are evil, they have no claim over me as I believe in Jesus Christ!

I could feel a strong presence and warmth in that area. It felt to me like a magnetic pull or push. I have felt that weird feeling a few times in my life and it’s hard to explain. At first, I kept my mouth shut and let the other two call out their activity and I would confirm it in my mind. It would either happen to me or them, but no matter what, we didn’t experience anything alone unless it was a personal physical touching. Even then, I witnessed Dr. Johnson get touched. In fact, both Marcy and I saw a small dark figure come up behind Dr. Johnson and run off.

We thought it was Zeus, but realized after the fact that Zeus was sitting next to us and couldn’t have done that. When Dr. Johnson returned from his routine, he mentioned he was touched and where he was touched. It was exactly where I had seen the shape go. Now I was creeped out. We heard something large or heavy running with two legs through the woods and the paths around us. I heard crashing across branches and fallen debris. I felt a presence and saw red and green “orbs.”

The presence I felt did not feel ominous or evil. It felt warm and strong. It felt like someone or thing was there, but not physically there at the same time. The orbs and black shapes were the weird things to me. The orbs were like glowing eyes that stayed in unison and floated about. They moved quickly and sometimes stationary. The black shapes had eyes sometimes and not other times. However I did recognize the shapes, eyes and crashing sometimes went together. For example, I saw a black shape with glowing eyes. It would move quickly to the side by the bushes. Then the bushes would move and make noise.

Sometime in the middle of the night, or early morning I had a freaky experience. You thought the previous stuff was freaky? I was awakened by a presence. Additionally, I could not move or look. I’m sure it was fear that kept me still but I could move my eyes around. I heard deep breathing with a little growling by my head. This felt as though the creature was about 2 feet away or closer. I did not feel breathe on me. I only heard the noise. I thought it was someone snoring, so I looked at Marcy and Dr. Johnson. Both were snoring but sounded different and were going at different times. The noise I heard was a third distinct sound. The noise made the hair on the back of my neck standup, once I knew it was not the other 2 with me. I said to myself that if it was a wild animal, it would leave and would not attack us without cause. Besides, I had positioned myself in between Marcy and Dr. Johnson. We were about 6 feet away from each other. I felt safer sandwiched between them. You might think, “What a great loving husband putting your wife at the end.” Well guess what! She made me go!

So I played dead and fell asleep. The other thing that allowed me to fall asleep was the fact that Marcy was on my left and Dr. Johnson on my right. Why would a wild animal eat the middle guy?

Something I didn’t want to do was to make a documentary on video. I hate being on video, especially talking about weird stuff that doesn’t make sense. Of course, Dr. Johnson wanted to use us, and our profession, to be used as reliable witnesses, as proof we weren’t making things up. Well all that does is cause me problems at work. I wasn’t happy about it, but also thought it would be good to remember the details later.

During the day we went to the Illinois River to swim and cool off. It was very hot out and we had worries of fire and smoke. I was hoping that a wildfire would not ruin our trip at this point. When we got back to the camp, Marcy and “Dr. J” (I can call him this now) took a nap and I sat in my chair watching Zeus. At one point, I heard someone running down the dirt road from the East towards our camp. This was the part of the dead end road. From our campsite, if we continued up the road, we would go about 2 miles and then dead end into the wilderness.

It was getting louder and heavier like the person was getting closer. I couldn’t see anyone and in fact if I had seen someone, I would’ve been shocked because we were nowhere. Zeus got up and walked towards the noise and starred in the same direction. The noise stopped and Zeus came back. So on one hand, I had confirmation I wasn’t hearing things and on the other hand I now have an invisible stalker starring at me? Why couldn’t I see it!

Later, Marcy and I decided to take a walk from camp up the hill to the top of the mountain. The same road I heard something running towards us. While we were walking, we saw a large bird take off from the middle of the road to a tree out of sight. The bird was massive and I couldn’t identify it. Why do you care about this? Well because we heard a story from Dr. J about seeing a Tara dactyl once in the same area. I thought….ya right you did. Well this bird wasn’t as big as one I don’t think, but it was definitely the size of a California Condor. Of which is very endangered and not native to these parts.

We continued up the hill and found the top. I found big game trails, spooky wood stacks and broken tree tops. According to Dr. J., these are all signs of Bigfoot activity. The broken tree tops were about 8 feet high. There was a grassy knoll in the middle and it looked to me like the perfect return camping spot if we could manage it in the future.

We later returned to the camp area, but I went into the woods at the 9 o’clock position from camp. This is where a lot of noise, running and branch breaking came from. I didn’t find anything suspicious which boggled my mind.

Before the start of our second night, we were sitting around talking and something grabbed my right upper arm. I looked down and saw my arm hair was laying down in that area and the rest of my arm hair was sticking out. I felt a pressure or a squeeze then a release. No one was near me and I saw nothing. WTF!

At nightfall, we were surrounded by multiple things happening at once. There were loud sounds of walking through the woods, crashing noises, bushes rattling, large heavy items being thrown and thrown against trees making loud crashes, there were dark shapes moving around with eyes glowing all around us and at sometimes they were happening at the same time. I couldn’t keep track of it all there was so much activity.

Three things blew me away this night. By the way, something I mentioned earlier was that I was armed. Yes I was armed this whole time with a pistol that I was surgical with. The first thing was Marcy needed to use the toilet. The toilet was about 15 yards away and no big deal really, but she could feel a presence over there watching us. She asked that I go with her as back up. I wasn’t going to, because I had the same feeling and I didn’t want the group to be separated, however if I had to use my gun, I didn’t want to loose sight of my wife. So I do and so does Zeus.

In fact the little fella ran off into the brush a couple times, but not too far, which freaked me out a little. It seemed like to me that he would run after something, stop, sniff it and run back. In this instance, he only ran off a short distance. So in my mind, we were no more than 20 feet away from something large watching us. I was freakin right! It’s funny how the human body and mind know or recognize danger before it’s upon us.

Marcy told the creature, out loud, to not scare her because she was using the toilet. Suddenly, there was a large heavy bipedal creature that ran away from us and up a hill to the “counsel of twelve” location. More on that later. When she was done, Marcy walked back to the middle of camp and I stayed behind. I felt it necessary to lag behind in case something came out after us. I must make sure our backs are covered. Just then, something moved in the bushes in front of me, which scared me a little, but what made me jump was that something massive jumped and ran up the hill again just 10 feet in front of me. If I had to use the toilet, I wouldn’t have to now! I walked quickly back to camp, partially backwards and with my hand on my gun. I was ready to “spray and pray”, but I somehow kept my cool.

The second thing that blew me away was this light show. So I started seeing odd sparkly shapes appear in the 12 o clock position. I can only describe it as if you were underwater on a sunny day and looked up. You can see rays of light and sun sparkles. Another description is what the vampires looked like in the sun on the Twilight movies. It looked like a diamond sparkly beaming thing. More shining on the outside than the inside, as if something was putting out light. This shape was tall and somewhat in the shape of a bipedal creature. I couldn’t tell if my mind was making it up or not. I thought I might be having a stroke or my retina was detaching. I knew I could see it and it approached slowly. I saw 2 of them, with 1 of them being very tall. I kept my mouth shut and looked away several times to see if my eyes were playing tricks. Every time I looked back at the same area, I saw the same thing and they weren’t in the same exact place either. They got closer to us and I was considering going out to meet them. I had a hard time believing what I was seeing. The presence did not feel dark or evil and I wanted to know If I could feel or touch it.

Finally, Dr. J asked if anyone could see anything at the 12 o’ clock position and I said, “Yes.” He said “Zorth” was there along with Dr. J’s protector. I started to describe to Dr. J. what I was seeing and he was confirming the size and position of the formations. How is that possible? I didn’t say anything to anyone until they mentioned what I was seeing. I forgot to mention that Dr. J told us he “mind speaks” to the bigfoot. They communicate to Dr. J via telepathy of some sort. Needless to say, I find that very unbelievable and down right offensive. Why do I say that? Well because I know nothing else because I am a primitive human being that hasn’t experienced anything like that before. Science explains why things happen and from what I know, that can’t happen.

Well the third thing that happened was the last straw for me. We went to bed with a ton of activity still happening around us. I was so tired, that I didn’t care anymore and had to sleep. My eyes were very heavy. Things were running around through the woods making noise and breaking branches. I fell asleep and had a waking dream around 0500 hrs in the morning. I heard a lot of running and crashing in the woods to the 9 o’clock position. I heard in my head, “Now you know we are real.” I opened my eyes and looked to the 9 o’clock position and continued to hear crashing and breaking of limbs. What just happened!?

So this adventure was completely out of my comfort zone on many levels but I survived. I wasn’t hurt by anything, but was only scared by everything. One of the rules Dr. J. asked we follow is “Don’t freak out.” I’m not sure what happens if you do freak out, but I was definitely freaked out the whole time (inside because I didn’t want to break the rules). I want to know what the hell it is that I experienced!

When we got back, I told a few people at work about the experience. Some were wanting to hear more, others didn’t believe me and some probably think I am nuts. In my world, this is why you don’t talk about stuff like this unless you have a witness. There’s credibility issues and all kinds of things come along with the package. I’ll tell you that, I don’t feel any of my work relationships were ever the same after this story came out. It’s disappointing really, but their loss as far as I’m concerned, but wait, there’s more….

Bigfoot #3

We went back to the same site the following year with some of Dr. J’s followers. It was interesting to hear some of their stories and astonishing to know some people have yet to have an experience. That must mean I am super lucky to have experienced what Marcy and I did. On this trip, I felt virtually nothing. I felt we were grasping at straws to come up with an experience. This is when Dr. J. brought Marcy and I up to the “Counsel of Twelve” location. He explained the meaning of the Counsel of Twelve and said we could ask “Zorth” anything we wanted.

I wasn’t ready for that to happen so I wasted my 1 question on something stupid I don’t remember. What I do remember is almost being attacked by a Cougar or two. While up there we heard a mysterious creepy sound. I immediately recognized it as a mountain lion call. All three of us walked toward the sound. Marcy thought it might be an Owl or Bigfoot, Dr. J thought it was a bigfoot. It was a full moon out and we could see in the dark, almost like it was daytime. I turned around to look behind us and saw a large cat sitting up looking at us and then quickly crouch down behind a stump. It slowly moved off down hill to the north. I was afraid to make any sudden movements, as it was about 25 feet away from us. Right after that, a couple campers came walking up the hill towards us, so if we had fired rounds at the cat, we would’ve endangered the campers.

Bigfoot #4

In 2018, Marcy and I planned a trip to Washington and part of the trip was visiting Dr. J and his wife, Cynthia at their home. Dr. J wasn’t going to be there while we were there but Cynthia was. We stayed outside 1 night and that’s all it took for Marcy to almost be abducted! I don’t think I have seen anything creepier in my life.

Firstly I should mention that Marcy and I walked around their heavily wooded property upon arrival. I like to get a handle on my surroundings so I know were the vulnerable areas are and constantly looking for my escape routes. Who doesn’t?

I felt a weird feeling coming from the south and west of their property. I couldn’t pinpoint it, but I did look around to make sure nothing crazy was waiting for us in the woods. I wasn’t too happy about staying outside on cots as the weather wasn’t awesome. It was cold and wet. I decided to sleep on the outside this time and Marcy was in the middle. Sometime in the middle of the night I heard noises coming from Marcy. It woke me up and my first instinct was to tell her to shut up because I was trying to sleep. I had forgotten we were there for a Bigfoot experience. Nothing earlier pointed to what I have experienced already.

Since Marcy wouldn’t be quite, I got up and looked at her. Mind you, when I am tired, I MUST SLEEP and I don’t really have my intellect engaged, it is merely “Caveman must sleep!” I saw she was stiff as a board and had partially slid down her cot. She looked at me with a crazy look on her face. Her eyes were open and she was speaking in a different language. It appeared as if her face was contorted and smiling. I have never seen that face on her before. I reached over and smacked her arm to wake her up. I thought she was sleep talking or something but it was creepy as hell. Although it was creepy, I didn’t think about anything spiritual or otherworldly at the time.

The next morning, Marcy told me about her experience that night. She said she couldn’t move and was trying to call out to me. All I heard was jumbled words. She said she was saying words, however she could not move her lips. She woke up to a tugging feeling on her feet and it felt like she was sliding down the cot. It was as if a Chiropractor was working on her. She said she wasn’t scared and was giggling about it.

She said she could feel the sensation of touch, but could not move nor see anything. When the pulling stopped, she got up and came over to me. She wanted to know if I had witnessed anything, but I was asleep. She looked over at Cynthia, and she was asleep too.

Now I’m mad!…. something tried to take my wife.

On our way to Seattle, Marcy talked to Dr. Johnson on the phone in the car. She explained to him her experience and I confirmed some of it. He told Marcy the “Xanue” aka, Forrest People, Bigfoot etc, are healers. Since Marcy had back problems, he felt as though they might be trying to heal her back.

What just happened?

So you must be wondering right now. Where is the hairy creature we all know to be Bigfoot? I never saw a hairy creature, but others have. So to preface what I’m about to explain is that I had to do some research and make my own conclusions based on other experiences as well.

I have read Dr. M. Johnsons book, multiple online related websites, Bigfoot shows on TV and mostly read up on Native American Literature or for some people, “folklore.” I will not go into specific details from these resources, however I will summarize the info I gathered to make sense of my encounters.

Bigfoot or Sasquatch, are known to the Native American people as, the “Forest People.” The Natives have lived in harmony with them. There are many stories and accounts of interactions with the Forest People. Both the Native Americans and the Forest People are in tune with nature. They are REAL.

Dr. M Johnson’s book explains a lot, that did make sense to me and was backed up by other sources. His experiences and explanations match up to what I and others have witnessed. I will admit that some of Dr. M. Johnsons accounts or stories are too SCIFI even for me, however I was not there to witness said events. I also do not believe he is a liar.

Since I don’t use my full brain capacity, and I have not previously encountered nor been trained for such experiences, I could not “get” what was happening. Nothing made sense nor did I really believe what I was seeing. If I had been alone in the woods, I would have immediately checked myself into a mental hospital. Thankfully, there were three of us during the big events and we ALL saw and heard the same things. Here’s what I have surmised.

I’ll explain it in terms that most of us are able to somewhat understand based on movies we have seen. So, Bigfoot is a hairy tall creature, a bird, a deer, an ORB, a shadow, invisible and who knows what. The Bigfoot creature is an Interdimensional being. Have I lost you yet? Am I crazy yet?

Bigfoot can appear and disappear. He can change shapes. Maybe he’s a shapeshifter, I don’t know. I was told that Bigfoot lives in the trees (literally) gaining energy and then coming out at night. Why has he been seen during the day then. I’m not sure. I don’t know everything. The creature vibrates at a higher level than the human eye can detect. This accounts for the disappearing act and why they can show themselves as beings of light. Would you prefer them to show their natural state as a hairy creature to you? Or would you prefer a being of light, all warm and cuddly.

Dr. M. Johnson uses the term “Predator mode” when the alien creatures use their cloaking device to blend into their environments. What I experienced was very similar but more “starry and sparkly.” Can you see the stars during the day? No. Can you see them at night? Yes. Do stars exist? Yes.

Are they from Earth? Or from somewhere else? Is this the hairy creature we all know to be Bigfoot? Can they immobilize you while you’re awake? Can they be invisible? Can they float? Can they speak? Can they communicate with you telepathically? Do they have children of their own? Do skunks spray in defense? Do Octopus blend into their environments? Did Dinosaurs roam the Earth? Do we have hundreds of thousands (more) of unexplained sightings or incidents we don’t really understand? The answer is yes. We are to young and primitive to understand all that is out there. That’s why I am staying open to anything and not refuting everything.

There is far more to the story and too much information out there to include in this document. You’ll have to read Dr. Johnson’s book for more information and details. I, for one, still cannot say I had a Bigfoot encounter! The basic understanding of the creature is tall, hairy, fast, strong, stinky and the list goes on. I only talk about my experiences, as they were “Bigfoot” related, because I was told they were by humans and by the voice that night in the woods.

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